A Message from GSSHOF President Matt Jacob
Hello CNY Sports Fans:
I am honored to serve as the President of the Greater Syracuse Sports Hall of Fame and its 35-Director Board. I promise to champion our mission to recognize the men and women whose contributions to the world of sports have brought great pride and honor to our community.
Since our first dinner in September of 1987, we will have inducted nearly 250 individual athletes, coaches and administrators, each of whom have made significant contributions in their field. We recognize them to not only enrich our sports heritage but to embrace our citizenry.
As a non-profit community organization, it is imperative that we reflect the voice of those we represent. That's why we encourage nominations from community members each year. Please click HERE to find out the procedure for nomination. In addition, community members are encouraged to advocate for those already nominated who they believe should be in the next class of inductees. Click HERE for the master list of nominees.
Please be sure to like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and check out our YouTube page where you can watch the speeches of many of our inductees over the years. If you are an inductee or a family member of the inductee and see any corrections, changes or updates that are needed on the inductee’s bio page, please let us know. If you have ideas or suggestions as to how we can improve the website or any of our communication efforts, please let us know that too. Your voice can and will always be heard. Just click on Contact Us and send your thoughts our way.
If you haven’t visited the GSSHOF Museum at Driver’s Village, you should make it a point to do so. You’ll be amazed and inspired by the memorabilia we have on exhibit.
The GSSHOF is a 501 C-3 organization, therefore one of the best ways to honor those who have given so much would be to make a tax deductible donation however small or large in the inductee’s name. Just click the ‘donate’ link on the inductee's individual page, or click HERE to download the form.
For individuals and corporations who would like to support the great work of the GSSHOF in general or to sponsor an event or activity, please call me personally at 315-622-4700. Your generous gift will be instrumental in allowing us to carry on the mission we began over 31 years ago.
Thank you.
Matt Jacob
Greater Syracuse Sports Hall of Fame