Don Keane
Track & Field
Enshrined 2002
Nicknamed the "Old Maestro", Tom Keane was an outstanding amateur and professional running champion who competed in more than 3,000 races. He was a world champion sprinter and one of the greatest coaches in the history of Syracuse University.
He was SU track coach from 1906 to 1945 and also served as an Olympic track and field coach from 1920 to 1936. He tutored hundreds of SU athletes. Among Keane’s more famous pupils were Bill Horr, Carl Biggs, Allen Woodring, Charlie Reidpath, Johnny Simmons, Cecil Cooke, Ray Barbuti, Chet Bowman, Eddie O’Brien, and Marty Glickman.
Keane coached Syracuse high school track teams, was a commissioner of city playgrounds and was a successful insurance businessman in addition to developing some of the greatest Syracuse University runners of all-time.
1906-1945: Coached track at SU
1920-1936: U.S. Olympic track coach
1990: Received SU’s Letterwinners of Distinction Award given to an individual who have gained distinction in their community or profession and brought honor to themselves and the university